Claim your free reserved .uk domain name On the 10th June 2014, the new shorter, sharper ‘.uk’ domain names became...
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Imunify 360 now with Wallarm
We are pleased to announce that Wallarm’s technology now combined with Imunify 360 helps defend our cPanel customers’...
imunify 360 added to all cPanel servers
What does imunify 360 do? Currently our servers react to attacks to your website with 1000's of rules within our...
Why should i use PHP7
PHP 7 the biggest release since V5Like most of us we are always chasing website speed, faster load times and use less...
Is unlimited web hosting really unlimited?
Its a question that has passed through most peoples minds?When you’re looking for website hosting you will come across...
Reseller Hosting 50% off for 4 Months
We are pleased to announce a cracking offer that we have never done before. All Reseller plans have 50% off the marked...
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